All data is in the U.S.
All data collected through our tools are stored in the United States. Family Connections data is stored in Google Cloud Central 1 Region located in Council Bluffs, Iowa. People Search and Impact Dashboard data is stored in AWS US-East-1 Region located in Northern Virginia.
Connect Our Kids personnel will never share case information with any party, even the account owner, and even when we are expressly asked to do so. You agree that under no circumstances will Connect Our Kids be considered a system of record for your case information, and under no circumstances can Connect Our Kids help you recover lost case information – except through the regular use of and its Services. You agree that Connect Our Kids may collect and maintain anonymized information about the status and outcomes of each case you submit to and its Services. Further, you agree that Connect Our Kids may report anonymized aggregate case status and outcome information for the purposes of advertising our services, and reporting information to our funders. Connect Our Kids shall make every effort to dissociate all reported anonymous and aggregate case information – except when you expressly request that we support you with non-anonymous or non-aggregate information.
Review our Privacy Policy for more information.