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Finding Families. Creating Connection.

We develop innovative tools that help child welfare professionals find permanent families, identify support networks and orchestrate belonging for America’s most vulnerable children.

Easy, Instant Contact Search

People Search helps quickly find contact information for more than 3 billion people.

Quickly Create Support Maps

Every child in foster care has an extended family and community that is familiar to them. Our platform helps child welfare professional quickly discover permanency options and organize other supportive, caring connections.

Resources for Engagement and Connecting

Free content that helps child welfare professionals easily engage with families and potential supporters of a child.

Start Searching In The Driveway

These free apps are optimized for mobile use cases, like beginning your permanency searches before you leave the driveway.

App Store Apple

Video Curriculum

This original video series teaches youth ages 14-24 how the brain works, how the brain is impacted by trauma, how trauma impacts relationships, and how positive relationships and support networks can help heal trauma.


Protect every child’s privacy and data

Data security and identity information are important features of our technology tools. We don’t collect data or track searches.

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