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With Liberty and Justice for All Kids

Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care who deserve to have the opportunity to reach their potential. And as it turns out, modern technology has a role to play in moving our country forward faster than ever before—eliminating injustices by connecting our children with permanent families and support networks to ensure they too have a shot at equality, justice, and the right to pursue happiness in their lifetime.

COVID 19 brought an uptick in requests from child welfare professionals across the country. The early feedback from our Family Connections technology pilot was so incredibly positive that when we received a call in early March inquiring about its capabilities, we felt compelled to accelerate the technology deployment. The call came from one social worker who was hoping to use Family Connections to build out a support network for a grandmother who had custody of her 11 grandchildren due to the opioid crisis. How could we say no to helping this incredible grandmother and her beautiful grandchildren?

Wondering if others might need immediate access we rolled-out our Family Connections wait list. And the response has been overwhelming.

Right now, over 600 (and counting) lawyers, social workers, family recruiters, and CASA volunteers have signed on to our technology platforms to:

●      find permanent families for foster children,

●      build support circles around at-risk youth,

●      engage extended family members of those suffering from opioid addiction,

●      create support networks for grandparents raising grandchildren due to the opioid crisis,

●      establish strong mentorship connections for foster and at-risk youth,

●      identify contact information for extended family members.

While America, like our foster care system, has a complicated history, we have a great sense of pride in our progress and understand that there is much more work to be done.

The Connect Our Kids team stands ready to help eliminate injustice and we are prepared to be of service to every child welfare professional in this country by offering free tools to help them connect children in foster care to healthier, brighter futures.

Connect Our Kids is proud to partner with non-profit organizations as well as local, state and federal agencies. If you are a child welfare professional visit to gain free access to our smart technology tools. And if you are interested in supporting this innovative mission —donate today at

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