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Join the Tastes Like Home campaign

Connect Our Kids’ Tastes Like Home social media campaign aims to raise awareness about children in foster care and the need for foster care reform that includes prioritizing a child’s connections to extended family, community, and personal history. You can help us do a lot of good by joining the online campaign. Participating is easy:

  • Post a pic of a recipe, prepared dish, or an image that represents what “tastes like home” to you.
  • In the caption, share the story of the recipe and why it means so much to you.
  • Use the hashtags #TastesLikeHomeCampaign and #ConnectOurKids, and be sure to tag @ConnectOurKids in your post.
  • Include this text: 

Connect Our Kids’ Tastes Like Home campaign raises awareness for children in foster care who have experienced deep loss, including the loss of traditions–like beloved recipes–that shape identity and a sense of belonging.

Better outcomes for children in foster care are possible when connections to extended family, community, and personal histories are preserved and restored. Together, we can keep kids connected!

Follow @ConnectOurKids to learn more.

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