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Discover and engage extended family and friends with precision and speed

Available Now

People Search gives child welfare professionals quick access to find contact information and relationships for just about anyone. This technology tool is available now to help you immediately reach out and connect with potential supporters for the children you serve. Sign-up online and watch the short introduction video to learn about special features.

Available in 2021—Currently in Pilot Phase

Family Connections is a smart technology tool that will help child welfare professionals build out an extensive family tree quickly and efficiently. This revolutionary technology may be viewed as a mind-mapping tool, giving professionals the ability to discover and engage extended family members, friends, neighbors, and other potential champions for children in need of a permanent family or mentor.

The Family Connections software is being piloted by Colorado CASA and The Adoption Exchange. The pilot is made possible by the Anschutz Foundation, El Pomar Foundation, The Harmes C. Fishback Foundation, the GetGrounded Foundation and private donations from Colorado’s citizens.

Visit to learn more and feel free to request additional information or offer feedback at [email protected]. Their purpose is to help you achieve your purpose—to create a healthier society by connecting foster children and at-risk youth to permanent families, mentors and champions who care!

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