Number 1 Question We Received from RootsTech Attendees: What Can I Do To Help?

In front of a massive crowd on the main stage of RootsTech, the world’s largest family history conference, brought to you by FamilySearch, co-founders Jennifer Jacobs and Jessica Stern of Connect Our Kids told their story and explained how it is helping foster kids connect with their family heritage. Watch Their Presentation: Immediately following the […]

A Mother’s Tribute from a Former Foster Child

While the back stories of the co-founders of our organization and what drives them are different, both had an experience as a child that motivates them still today.
Growing up, Jennifer Jacobs rode the school bus with neighbors who were foster children. She often wondered why their story was so dramatically different from hers. Over the years, and later as a mother, she often returned to the thought of how challenging their lives must be, moving from home to home without permanent families.

Our Story – Today.

Many people associate foster care as a temporary solution and adoption as a permanent solution. Sadly, those who work in the foster care industry know that foster care is not always temporary for some kids.
The United States has 400,000 children in the foster care system and, each year, more than 20,000 kids age out of foster care, never having been adopted or reunited with family.

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