Connect Our Kids and CASA Help Neglected Little Girl Find A Loving Forever Home

TEXAS/OHIO: Little Anna* used to go to school wearing soiled clothing and tattered shoes. Fearing that Anna would be ridiculed, her teachers would take her aside before class, clean her up, comb her hair, change her clothes and give her new socks and shoes. They also reported her neglect. The school’s reports, along with abuse allegations, led […]
Stacy Reunites with Her Grandma

KANSAS: Stacy was removed from her home at age five. Her story is sad and familiar; she had an absent father, who was also a drug user and had a history of neglect. Now 15, Stacey has lived in over 50 placements and is described as angry.
A Mother’s Tribute from a Former Foster Child

While the back stories of the co-founders of our organization and what drives them are different, both had an experience as a child that motivates them still today.
Growing up, Jennifer Jacobs rode the school bus with neighbors who were foster children. She often wondered why their story was so dramatically different from hers. Over the years, and later as a mother, she often returned to the thought of how challenging their lives must be, moving from home to home without permanent families.
Trauma-Informed Aunt Takes In Medically Fragile Teen

NEVADA: Winona*, a victim of medical neglect and food scarcity, entered foster case due to allegations of domestic violence and sexual abuse. She also has a medical condition that if left unmanaged causes illness.
The Importance of Second Chances

KANSAS: Baby boy Zac needed a loving and supportive home. His family finding advocate from Cornerstones of Care used the Connect Our Kids technology platform and found an aunt who wanted to take in little Zac.
Teen Reunites With Long-Lost Mom & Aunt

OHIO: Leon* entered foster care on two separate occasions. The first time he was infant when his young single mother, who had little support, struggled to care for him. She was a high school drop out with two other young children and was overwhelmed. She relinquished her parental rights and entrusted Leon’s care to a family friend, hoping to give him a better life.
Great-Aunt Will Adopt Nephew

VERMONT: Daniel* had a close relationship with his great aunt, but unfortunately they lost contact after he was placed in state custody because his parent refused to share any family information with the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
41 Connections Found For Teen Who Spent Years in Care

VERMONT: Adam* spent eight years in foster care due to parental substance and physical abuse. Growing up with violence, he developed reactive and physical patterns of behavior that resulted in several failed foster home experiences and eventually he would up living in a group home.
Maryland Delegate Writes Powerful Memoir About His Personal Foster Care Experience

Current Maryland State Delegate, C.T. Wilson, is a happily married man with three children. While professionally successful as a lawyer and lawmaker, C.T.’s achievements in his personal life are what make him truly remarkable. It was not easy for C.T. to find happiness or create a loving family–an experience shared by many of those who have grown up without safety and stability.
A Father Found Leads to a Family History Discovery

MINNESOTA: Syrah is a teenager in foster care. She has long wondered about her family history. Syrah had not seen her father since early childhood and unfortunately, she did not know names or specific details of her paternal biological family.