Abby’s Story

KANSAS: Abby was a sad and withdrawn 15-year-old girl when Sue, a Placement Stability Specialist from Cornerstones of Care, became her caseworker. Over seven years, Abby was placed in 36 homes and residential facilities and experienced considerable trauma.

Within minutes of using the Connect Our Kids technology platform, Sue identified seven contacts, including Abby’s maternal great-grandfather.

Abby’s grandfather said they lost contact with Abby’s mother years ago, and he expressed deep relief and gratitude that someone had located him. After calling other family members, one of Abby’s cousins immediately volunteered to become her kinship caregiver.

“When children experience trauma, transitions can be difficult for them,” said Sue. “Within minutes of the first Zoom call, I witnessed the connection between the two, and Abby’s whole body language just shifted.”

One week later, Abby moved in with her cousin, and the whole family welcomed her fully. Surrounded by her family’s love and support, Abby has never been happier and has blossomed into a “super smart and super-super bubbly” young woman.

Connect Our Kids is a non-profit dedicated to leveraging technology to find families, build connections, and create a community for children in the foster care system. Abby had a loving and interested extended family, and many children are in similar situations.

These connections matter. Want to help more children like Abby? You can help today by donating HERE.

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

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